Who should take ZELKOVA Trubeau?
For men and women who desire to lose weight while enjoying sumptuous meals without extreme dieting or exercises. However, to obtain optimum results, always manage a balanced diet and exercise regularly. Exercise would certainly help any weight loss programmed but more importantly exercise contributes to good health. ZELKOVA Trubeau is suitable for people who have tried other slimming methods but failed to achieve the desired results. If you have been trying to lose weight for some time but have not achieved the desired results, ZELKOVA Trubeau might be just what you need to get slimmer and healthier.

How long does it take for ZELKOVA Trubeau to work?
Results may vary for individuals. For adult-type obesity, slimming effect can normally be achieved within 2 weeks. For those who are obese since childhood , they normally have few times more fat cells than normal adult-type obesity, therefore they will require a slightly longer period of up to 6 weeks to observe results.

Will ZELKOVA Trubeau create any side effects?
Definitely no.  ZELKOVA Trubeau is made from 100% natural ingredients, totally free from harmful substance like Sibutramine and Fenfluramine. ZELKOVA Trubeau is manufactured in accordance with Food GMP Standards certified by the Food Quality and Safety Division, Department of Public Health, Ministry of Health Malaysia.  The manufacturing facilities are also HACCP certified.

Is ZELKOVA Trubeau  Halal?
ZELKOVA Trubeau is an all natural ingredient slimming supplement. It is certified HALAL by Islamic Food Research Centre, Malaysia and Asia Region.

How is ZELKOVA Trubeau different from slimming pills and other slimming products?
Clinical trials have shown that slimming pills usually contain chemicals and are hard to be digested.  Pills also contain singular formula on fat burning only where water retention problem and gassy stomach remain persisted.  Hence, perfect slimming is non-significant.   ZELKOVA Trubeau has been formulated to incorporate inhibition, elimination and detoxification processes to produce a unique total slimming effect.
Do I need to take ZELKOVA Trubeau continuously after I reach my slimming goal?
It is recommended that you maintain a healthy diet after you have attained your desired weight.  However, ongoing intake of fat, alcohol and sugar from food and drink indicates that fats are constantly being accumulated in our bodies and therefore you may regain weight easily. Consequently, we recommend that you continue to take ZELKOVA Trubeau regularly about 3 days a week.  This will help you to enjoy your food, without having to worry about weights regaining.  At the same time you may just continue taking our bowel detoxification fiber drink, ZELKOVA Genus on a daily basis for detoxification and maintaining a good lifestyle for perfect body figure.

Will body shape turn back to original shape after stop consuming ZELKOVA Trubeau?
No, but you need to be aware of your diet and exercise regularly. Please follow the maintenance guide we have just mentioned.  ZELKOVA Trubeau does not dehydrate your body to reduce weight but it works by removing unnecessary fats.  Therefore, ZELKOVA Trubeau is different from other "dehydrating" slimming products whereby body weight will rapidly increase when consumption stops.

Why do I occasionally feel hungry during consumption period?
Occasionally feeling hungry may be due to the development of intense fat burning process in the body.  This is a positive reaction similar to after having performed a heavy workout at the gym where you will feel hungry.  This is opposed to some slimming products adulterated with prescription drugs which suppresses the feeling of being hungry even though you have not taken any food.  This may be dangerous if the programme is not properly prescribed by doctors or nutritionist.

How do I take ZELKOVA Trubeau?
Mix one sachet with plain water (room temperature), stir well and consume immediately.  We recommend daily consumption before breakfast.

I want to see results fast, what  do you recommend?
Since the first crucial step to effectively remove body fat or to lose weight is to detoxify our bowel, for best results we would recommend ZELKOVA Trubeau to be consumed together with our bowel detoxification fiber drink, ZELKOVA Genus.

Our recommendation :

      1) Take one sachet of ZELKOVA Genus before breakfast.
      2) Take one sachet of ZELKOVA Trubeau after lunch.
      3) Drink lots of water daily, at least 2 to 3 litres.

Why must one drinks lots of water?
Metabolism rate increases after taking ZELKOVA Trubeau, therefore our body requires a lot of water. It is recommended to take at least 8 glasses (2500ml) of water daily as sufficient fluids enhance better body metabolism to break down fat cells, detoxify and remove toxins more efficiently.  

What should i be aware of when consuming ZELKOVA Trubeau?
You should drink at least 8 glasses or 2.5 litres of  water daily during the consumption period. If you have gastritis, make sure you consume ZELKOVA Trubeau after meal and not before. Pregnant woman or breast feeder should not consume ZELKOVA Trubeau.  Women after confinement period should start taking ZELKOVA Trubeau and ZELKOVA Genus as their slimming programme. Avoid taking contraception pills, laxatives or any stimulate drugs during the slimming period in order to achieve optimum slimming results.

Can I consume ZELKOVA Trubeau during menstrual period?
Yes, it is safe to consume ZELKOVA Trubeau at any given time. However, if you are suffering from severe menstruation problems, it is advisable to consult your medical professional.

Can I take ZELKOVA Trubeau together with other medicine?
Yes. However, it is recommended to take ZELKOVA Trubeau 4 hours before or after taking other supplement or medicine.